Reunion 2019 Group shot

Saturday, March 4, 2023

5:00pm - 10:00pm

We had such a great time in 2019 that we want to get together again.

The station is being replaced and demolition will start in March 2023. We have once last chance to visit.

Hopefully those that were invited last time but couldn't make it will be able to attend.

  • Feel free to bring any pictures or old memorabilia. Or better yet, upload it and send the link to Paul so he can set it up to show on the big screen at the reunion.
  • We will provide food, beer and mixers. You can bring your own liquor.
  • Park behind the station, or in the old Spectrum carpet lot (now Goodwill). Not in the driveway of the townhouses across the street. Wait... what townhouses across the street?
  • The party will continue at Berwyn Tavern afterwards. We are inviting current BFC members to stop by, buy us a round, and learn how it was back in the day.

  • 5:00 Doors open, station tours available
  • 6:30 Welcome and Ringing of Ladder 2 bell in honor of our departed brothers
  • 6:45 Prizes, Slide show, 50/50
  • 10:00 After party at Berwyn Tavern
Prizes for:

  • Furthest distance traveled (2019 winner - John Anderson)
  • Oldest attendee (2019 winner - Doodlebug)
  • Most years Active (2019 winner - Doodlebug)